T and J
2 min readJan 29, 2022


I never thought I would ever lose my virginity. I was raised in the traditional southern Ohio Christian home. I was the oldest of five children in a very loving home. I was the good boy. I had girlfriends and of course I thought it was my job to see just how far they would let me get before they would shut me down. I went home a many of night with blue balls. Back to my virginity still in tack. Graduation from high school came and went still the good boy. Off to college and I thought I would lose it the first week I was on campus lol it didn’t quite work that way. Keep in mind it was a small Christian college that’s preached abstinence. Remember I was the (good boy )… I was on the basketball team and I physically fit. At six foot and two inches tall and a 190 lbs I was a force to be reckoned with. Which this helped make me popular with the girls.I had girlfriends but I didn’t want to give it up to just anyone I had waited this long a little longer wouldn’t hurt that bad. Tell that to your dick that gets hard when a fly buzzes by a little to close. The summer between my freshman and sophomore year I was working at a youth camp and met what would be the undoing of my life as a ( good boy) virgin. God was she beautiful 5’5” tall and 110 lbs blue eyes and blonde hair. I fell hard and so did she. Our courtship lasted a year and we did it all except for the deed. Remember I was a (good boy). I love her and she loves me. What would really be that wrong if I stuck it in just a little ?According to my religious up bringing I would burn for eternity in hell. That’s a lot to but on a horny 20 year old with a very high libido although I didn’t realize it was at the time ( good boy)… so we abstain. I beat my poor cock raw more than one night. Then of course here came that damn guilt and shame thing for just the mire thought of what I wanted to do to her sweet smelling little pussy. Stay tune in with me on Medium and find out what the (good boy) does when he loses his virginity. It’s not what you think. Big T

